a blip

We had another monthly worship gathering today. This was our 85th worship service [we met weekly for almost a year and then switched to monthly for about four]. And when you look at it that it was just another worship service. A blip on the church time line. One that we’ll likely forget. No miraculous healing happen. No new receptions of Jesus. Under-attended because a bunch of people were out of town. Not my best teaching day. Not Warren’s best worship leading day. Just another blip?

Maybe not. I’ve talked often about having different definitions of success. Not measuring by the numbers [though numbers are not irrelevant] or the budget [this is completely irrelevant]. A more didactic blog post bullet-pointing the proper ways to measure church health may follow. But in the mean time, signs that God is truly alive in us even on a subpar-under-attended-worship-Sunday:

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